
Programm- und Projektmanagement

Programm- und Projektmanagement. Methoden, Modelle und Theorien (A-Z)



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Programm- und Projektmanagement

Änderungfaktoren Pettigrew Whipp

Ansätze für Fusionen und Übernahmen

Appreciative Inquiry-Methode Cooperrider


Belbin Teamrollen

Demingkreis PDSA

DICE Rahmenwerk BCG

Dimensionen der relationalen Arbeit Butler

Dimensionen der Veränderung Pettigrew Whipp

Engpasstheorie Goldratt

Führungsstile Goleman



IPMA Competence Baseline (ICB)


Katastrophentheorie Thom

Konzept-Wertanalyse Miles


Kraftfeldanalyse Lewin

Kulturdimensionen Hofstede

Leistungswertanalyse EVM

Management durch Zielvereinbarung Drucker


MSP-Methode OGC

OPM3-Modell PMI

Fügen Sie eine Methode/Modell hinzu

Organisatorische Konfigurationen Mintzberg

PMBOK-Standard PMI

PDSA-Kreis Deming Cycle

Phasenmodell der Teamentwicklung Tuckman

PMMM-Modell Reiss


Positive Abweichung Pascale Sternin


RACI-Methode (RASCI)

SMART-Methode Drucker



Stakeholder Value Perspektive

Strategiebüro Kaplan Norton

Strategische Ausrichtung Venkatraman

Teamentwicklung Tuckman

Team Management-Profil Margerison McCann

Teamrollen nach Belbin

Theorie des geplanten Verhaltens Ajzen Fishbein

Veränderungsansätze Kotter

Veränderungsdimensionen Pettigrew Whipp

Veränderungsgleichung Beckhard

Veränderungsmanagement Eisberg

Veränderungsphasen Kotter

Veränderungsverhalten Ajzen

Veränderung von Organisationskulturen Trice Beyer

Vergessen Leihen Lernen Govindarajan Trimble

Mehr im Wörterbuch



Programm- und Projektmanagement Interessengemeinschaft.

Interessengemeinschaft (533 Mitglieder)


Forumsdiskussionen über Programm- und Projektmanagement.

🔥 Fünf entscheidende Projektgespräche
Der Erfolg oder Misserfolg von bedeutenden Projekten kann vorausgesagt werden, indem man die Qualität von fünf entscheidenden Gesprächen überprüft, die stattfinden müssen, aber dennoch häufig vernachl...
Thema Das Wort MANAGEMENT innerhalb Projektmanagement
Meiner Meinung nach ist die wichtigste Sache an Projektmanagement, die viele Leute übersehen, das Wort MANAGEMENT: - Projektmethoden und -werkzeuge im Projektmanagement sind nützlich, um zu organisie...
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Thema The Most Important Thing in Project Management: the Word MANAGEMENT
In my opinion the most important thing in project management that many people overlook is in the word MANAGEMENT. Of all the difficulties you face, - Project methods and tools are useful in project m...
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Thema The 4C's of an Ideal Project Manager
To be excellent, a project manager should be: - Communicative - Communication is the artery of any project and information is the blood that should flow seamlessly. The PM has to be communicative to ...
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Thema Project Management Basics
While I agree with most comments in this excellent forum on project management - I do feel that sometimes we tend to overstate the complexities in PM. Don't ignore the basics of project management! I...
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Thema Criteria Program versus Project?
I am trying to develop general criteria for determining if a group of projects should stay projects or if there is enough interdependency to make them a program or one large project. Anyone having ...
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Thema Project Success Factors
Project succes factors: 1. Take proper time to make a proper feasibility study 2. Make clear, transparant business oriented project goals 3. Set up a project organisation based on stakeholdership a...
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Thema Build Project Support First
An often overlooked fast path to failure of any major project is to not (properly) assess the support for the project beforehand (using Force Field Analysis or Stakeholder Analysis or similar), or to ...
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Thema Agile Project Management Methods
We have to quit using traditional project management methodologies, especially in IT projects. The right way to go is flexibility. Being agile, that’s the name of the game!...
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Thema Creating Ownership in the Project Team
How can the project manager/director make every member of the project team feel responsible for his mission in the project and for the whole results of the project?...
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Thema Effective Project Communication and Teamwork
To ensure team collaboration (teamwork) and tasks completion, effective communication must be implemented for projects. Communication is the most important tool when handling large complex global pro...
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Thema Project Manager versus Business Analyst
How is the role of a project manager different from business analyst? Is a project manager required to know the business process?...
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Thema Objectives of Project Management?
I want to get some formulation of the objectives of project management... Thanks....
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Thema Project Manager Soft Skills
Why are good soft skills really important for a project manager? In successful projects, project and line managers are likely to have shared authority. The project manager will negotiate the line man...
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Thema Are Project Managers Born or Made?
It is worth considering whether project managers are born or made. If they are born, there is an assumption that core elements of the desirable traits mentioned in the 4C's of an Ideal Project Manage...
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Thema Priority: Deliver the Project
Many PM's have become blinded by paperwork and process. Having witnessed time and again large failures in government and industry, the cause is often the same. The best processes in the world will NOT...
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Thema Project Management Reporting
Project management involves many different layers and activities. Hence, a project cannot be carried up to the completion stage without the preparation of various reports. Just like in in accounting, ...
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Thema Why Project Management? Importance
I think every company needs to constantly change as is currently required to be competitive. Project management is a critical part in this, as is deciding about the right projects, the project contro...
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Thema Project Expectation Management
In managing a project, one of the critical factors that doesn't get enough attention is EXPECTATION management. No matter what method or process you use to deliver, you must realize that your project...
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Thema Project Hierarchy Structure
Hello, to close a long discussion between management and my PMO, could you please tell me if a document exists to demonstrate the hierarchy within a project? Between a project manager, a project coord...
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Thema Cultural Factors in Project Management
While there are volumes of books available on project management, very few discuss how demography, ethnicity and socio-cultural factors influence on projects outcome. An empirical study recently con...
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Thema How to Prepare Project Reviews?
How you prepare your project review report once a projects gets completed? I work in a apparel industry in India and basically I take care of NSO (New store openings)....
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Thema Project Management Office
What do you consider to be the main changes or trends in PMO development for the next 10 years (strategy, organization, tools, HR, other)?...
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Thema National Public Projects Implementation System (NPPIS)
I would like to know the key elements to be considered when designing a project to be implemented at that level. I accept any ideas. According to Stanislaw Gasik in his book "National Public Projects...
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Thema The Use of Mobile Devices in Project Management
Does anyone of you use a mobile device (like a tablet, smart phone) when managing projects? If so, for what purpose/task do you use it (e.g. email on tablet for status updates, WhatsApp on smartphone...
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Best Practices

Die am besten bewerteten Themen über Programm- und Projektmanagement. Hier finden Sie die wertvollsten Ideen und praktischen Vorschläge.

🥇 Best Practice: Five Crucial Project Conversations
The success or failure of major projects can be predicted by examining the quality of 5 crucial conversations that must take place, yet which are often neglected: 1. Are we planning around facts? (or...
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🥈 Project Transition Into the Operational Activities
If you have achieved project support, and you had a good project leader who managed the project through to delivery that's great. But often times the acceptance of the intended change is only achieve...
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🥉 How to Convert a Project into a Road Map for Product Development?
Please suggest me: we started a project and successfully implemented it for two different customers and at two different sites. The project is now implemented and we want this to be converted as a pro...
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Thema Leadership in Project Management
I think Rod Chambers is right, leading is the right way in managing a project. If there is a need to stay late, you have to be in the project, you have to set a good example of what a leader is: 1. A...
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Thema Project Downsizing Approaches
I have recently been tasked to come up with a proposal from the prime contractor (we are subs) that will significantly cut my team's hours. What is the best way to comply with this request without ma...
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Thema Project Lessons Learned
One of the greatest contributions of a PM to an organization is the set of lessons learned. After every project concludes, a formal meeting with all of the team members should be conducted and both g...
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Thema Managing Delays of Projects Caused by Owner
Kindly I am doing a PhD on the impact of the management policies and procedures on the delay of projects (in the public sector in Libya). In my opinion, the owner has a big part in the responsibility...
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