1. Einführung

  2. Systemkommunikation allgemein

  3. Einige bekannte Realzeit-Protokolle

  4. Das CAN-Protokoll

  5. Einfaches Fallbeispiel

    1. Problemstellung/Anforderungen

    2. Strukturanalyse: Systeme und Interaktionj

    3. Kommunikation mit CAN 2.0A allgemein

    4. Beispiel einer Kommunikation mit CAN 2.0A

    5. Individuelle Systemanalyse

  6. Aufgabenstellung

II-RA PROZESSRECHNER SS03 - Vorlesung mit Übung
Realzeit-Kommunikation 1-3

   Achtung : Skript gibt mündlichen Vortrag nur unvollständig wieder !!
   Achtung : Skript noch nicht abgeschlossen !

AUTHOR: Gerd Döben-Henisch
DATE OF LAST CHANGE: June-10, 2003, 18:30h
EMAIL: Gerd Döben-Henisch

1. Einführung

Ausgangspunkt der folgenden Überlegungen ist die Einsicht aus der letzten VL, dass Systeme zur Ausführung ihrer Prozesse Zeit benötigen. Bei Realzeitsystemen --und Prozessrechner sind überwiegend Realzeitsysteme-- bedeutet dies, dass für bestimmte Aufgaben ein maximaler Zeitbedarf nicht überschritten werden darf, um die geforderte Aufgabe erfüllen zu können. Ferner spielt die Zuverlässigkeit eine zentrale Rolle, da nur Systeme, die bzgl. MTTF und MTTR gewisse untere Schranken garantieren, zum Einsatz kommen können.

Als neuer Gesichtspunkt kommt nun noch hinzu, dass Prozessrechner in vielen Fällen nicht isoliert auftreten, sondern im Verbund; man hat es also mit einem verteilten Realzeitsystem zu tun. Dieser Aspekt soll heute und in den verbleibenden Vorlesungen weiter beleuchtet werden.


2. Systemkommunikation allgemein

In einem Verbund von verteilten Realzeitsystemen müssen die verschiedenen beteiligten Systeme sich miteinander verständigen können. Wie aus dem Bild "Realzeit-Kommunikation: Basis" zu entnehmen ist, kann man hier grob die folgenden Komponenten unterscheiden:

  1. Die beteiligten Realzeitsysteme selbst (im Beispiel S1 - S3)

  2. Einen Kommunikationskanal

  3. Die Datenpakete, die durch einen Kommunikationskanal 'hindurch' geschickt werden können

  4. Ein Interface, das den Kommunikationskanal mit einem konkreten Realzeitsystem verbindet.


Realzeit-Kommunikation: Basis

Wenn man davon ausgeht, dass der Kommunikationskanal samt Datenpaketen für alle beteiligten Systeme 'gleich' ist und man ferner davon ausgeht, dass die beteiligten Systeme aufgrund der Variationsbreite möglicher Aufgaben sehr unterschiedlich sein können, dann besteht die Notwendigkeit, alle diese verschiedenen Systeme an den einen gleichen Kommunikationskanal 'anzupassen'; dies geschieht durch eine Schnittstelle ('interface') (siehe Bild "Realzeit-Kommunikation: Interface").


Realzeit-Kommunikation: Interface

Eine Schnittstelle ist so gesehen eigentlich ein 2-Weg-Übersetzer: vom System zum Kommunikationskanal werden die internen Zustände eines konkreten Systems in das Format der Datenpakete übersetzt (enkodiert, 'encoded')


und umgekehrt werden die Datenpakete zurückübersetzt in die internen Zustände eines konkreten Systems (dekodiert, 'decoded')


Der gemeinsame Kommunikationskanal bietet also die Möglichkeit, dass unterschiedliche Systeme --bei Vorhandensein einer geeigneten Schnittstelle-- miteinander kommunizieren können.

Aus der Sicht der physikalischen Realisierung von Kommunikation gilt, dass digitale Kommunikation mit Hilfe von binären Signalzuständen (siehe z.B.: Signale und binäre Schaltzustände) realisiert wird. Einem binären Zustand entspricht physikalisch ein definiertes Signal das entweder eine '1' ('high') repräsentiert oder eine '0' ('low') (siehe Bild "Realzeit-Kommunikation: Daten und Signale").


Realzeit-Kommunikation: Daten und Signale

Entsprechend dieser physikalischen Realisierung gibt es auf einer 'höheren konzeptuellen Ebene' eine symbolische Darstellung dieser physikalischen Signalfolgen in Form von binären Zahlen, die man als Bitfelder auffasst und die als Frames organisiert werden. 'Oberhalb' dieser Bitfelder kann es weitere 'abstrakte Darstellungsebenen' geben, die allgemeine Eigenschaften der Kommunikation kodieren. Wir wollen im folgenden davon ausgehen, dass ein Kommunikationskanal also mindestens 2 --möglicherweise aber auch mehr als 2 (siehe Tabelle)-- Ebenen ('layer') umfasst: eine physikalische Ebene, auf der tatsächlich und real Signale zwischen Kommunikationspartnern ausgetauscht werden können, und einer Daten-Ebene, auf der symbolisch Signale als Zeichen repräsentiert werden, die Bitfelder/ Frames/ Datenpakete realisieren.




To be defined



2: Data-Link

frames, data-flow, error-handling, ...

1: Physical

signals, compressions, error-handling, ...

In der Regel enthält ein Datenpaket ('frame') mehr binäre Zustände als ein Kommunikationskanal parallel übertragen kann. Dies bedeutet, dass die Übertragung der binären Zustände eines Datenpaketes seriell erfolgen muss, wobei 'seriell' nicht ausschliesst, dass die einzelne gesendete Einheit mehr als 1 Bit umfassen kann (z.B. 8-Bit bei einem 8-Bit Bus).

Ferner ist es der Normalfall, dass an einen Kommunikationskanal mehr als 1 System angeschlossen ist --dazu wurde der Kommunikationskanal ja gerade eingeführt--. Dies bedeutet, dass zum gleichen Zeitpunkt möglicherweise mehr als ein System Daten über den Kommunikationskanal verschicken will. Es gibt also hier einen Ressourcenkonflikt, der nur durch ein geeignetes Nutzungsschema ('scheduling') gelöst werden kann. Das Nutzungsschema muss so angelegt sein, dass es für den 'schlechtest anzunehmenden Fall' ('worst case') alle anfallenden Kommunikationsanforderungen im Rahmen einer garantierten Zeit abwickeln kann. Dazu ist es u.a. notwendig, dass der Zeitbedarf der einzelnen Kommunikations- und Verwaltungsakte im richtigen Verhältnis zur Leistungsmöglichkeit (Bandbreite, 'bandwidth') des Kommunikationskanals steht.

Für die Nutzung eines Kommunikationskanals im Rahmen einer Realzeit-Kommunikation ist es ferner unabdingbar, dass, falls Fehler auftreten, diese schnell genug entdeckt werden können, damit in einer garantierten Zeit eine geeignete Fehlerbehandlung stattfinden kann. Es muss ferner 'garantiert' werden, dass die maximale Zahl der Fehler einen gewissen Grenzwert nicht überschritet, da ansonsten die Realzeitanforderungen nicht mehr eingehalten werden können.

Schliesslich ist noch festzuhalten, dass es zu jeder Ebene eine Menge von Regeln (Protokoll, 'protocol') gibt, die festlegen, wie die kleinsten Einheiten jeder Ebene überhaupt zu grösseren Einheiten (Signalfolgen, Bitfelder, Pakete, Frames) zusammengesetzt werden dürfen, wie diese kontrolliert werden, in welcher Abfolge wer was senden bzw. empfangen darf/ kann, usw. Da es zu jeder Ebene ein Protokoll gibt, bedeutet dies für einen Kommunikationskanal mit n > 2 Ebenen ('layer'), dass ein ganzer Stapel von Protokollen ('protocol stack') abzuarbeiten ist, wenn eine Nachricht gesendet oder empfangen wird. Es hat sich eingebürgert, dass man von einem Kommunikationsprotokoll ('communication protocol') spricht, wenn man einen Kommunikationskanal mit einem bestimmten charakteristischen Satz von Protokollen sprechen will, d.h. man identifiziert den Kommunikationskanal über die Protokolle, die ihn definieren.


3. Einige bekannte Realzeit-Protokolle

In der folgenden Tabelle ist eine kleine Auswahl bekannter und verbreiteter Realzeit-Protokolle aufgeführt. Die Aufzählung soll zukünftig erweitert werden. Ausserdem muss sie vereinheitlicht werden; aktuell sind dies Texte aus unterschiedlichen Quellen mit unterschiedlichen Aussageabsichten. Was aber u.a. deutlich wird, das ist der z.T. der 'industriepolitische' Charakter von Protokollen; ferner fällt auf, dass die Protokolle sich z.T. eng an bestimmte Anwendungsbereiche anlehnen (Militär, Flugzeugindustrie, Automobilindustrie usw.).



ARINC-Protocol Family := Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated

ARINC is a major company that develops and operates systems and services to ensure the efficiency, operation, and performance of the aviation and travel industries. It was organized in 1929 by four major airlines to provide a single licensee and coordinator of radio communications outside the government. Only airlines and aviation-related companies can be shareholders, although all airlines and aircraft can use ARINC s services. The company has two major thrusts: Communications and information processing services for the aviation and travel industry. System engineering, development and integration for government and industry. ARINC has provided leadership in developing specifications and standards for avionics equipment, and one of these specifications is the focus of this tutorial. Industry-wide committees prepare the specifications and standards. ARINC Specification 429 was developed and is maintained by the Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee (AEEC) comprising members that represent airlines, government, and ARINC. The General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) in Washington, D.C. also maintains a specification document with ARINC 429 labels: ARINC 429 General Aviation Subset .

What is ARINC 429? ARINC 429 is a specification, which defines how avionics equipment and systems should communicate with each other. They are interconnected by wires in twisted pairs. The specification defines the electrical and data characteristics and protocols, which are used. ARINC 429 employs a unidirectional data bus standard known as Mark 33 Digital Information Transfer System (DITS). Messages are transmitted at a bit rate of either 12.5 or 100 kilobits per second to other system elements, which are monitoring the bus messages. Transmission and reception is on separate For a full tutorial in PDF format, please visit www.condoreng.com.

ARINC 429 Usage
ARINC 429 has been installed on most commercial transport aircraft including; Airbus A310/A320 and A330/A340; Bell Helicopters; Boeing 727, 737, 747, 757, and 767; and McDonnell Douglas MD-11. Boeing is installing a newer system specified as ARINC 629 on the 777, and some aircraft are using alternate systems in an attempt to reduce the weight of wire needed and to exchange data at a higher rate than is possible with ARINC 429. The unidirectional ARINC 429 system provides high reliability at the cost of wire weight and limited data rates. Military aircraft generally use a high-speed, bi-directional protocol specified in Military Specifications MIL-STD-1553.

ARINC 429 is a very simple, point-to-point protocol. There can be only one transmitter on a wire pair. The transmitter is always transmitting either 32-bit data words or the NULL state. There is at least one receiver on a wire pair; there may be up to 20.

A number of digital transmission system building blocks were available prior to 1984. Many protocols predate ARINC 429 such as ARINC 561, 582, 573, 575 and 419.

Some systems used 32-bit words similar to ARINC 429; some used major frames of four subframes each consisting of 64, 12-bit words. Still others used 32-bit, rather than 64-bit words. Some message frames were 24 bits with three subframes of two BCD words. Some systems did not provide information identifiers; others used 8-bit label codes, and another depended on time slots for identifying information. Identification of BCD vs. BNR was provided by a flag bit in either the 1st bit or the 4th bit transmitted. A variety of standard data labels were adopted.

The variability of "standards" doesn't matter where a single user is involved, but is very important when equipment from different suppliers must interact with each other. Standardization is beneficial not only to the aircraft integrator, but to the equipment supplier who can have greater assurance of product acceptability so long as it is "on spec". ARINC 429 is the most widely applied Digital Data Transmission specification for modern transport aircraft. ARINC 429 draws on the experience of 419 but does not depend on it.

Not a formally released specification. See ARINC 708.

ARINC 561/568
The need for standardized digital data transmission arose during the development of ARINC Characteristics 561, "Air Transport Inertial Navigation System". ARINC 568 uses the same electrical interface as ARINC 561.

A six-wire system involving 3 pairs of wires, was used in 561. The three pairs served as "clock", "sync", and "data" respectively. Non return to zero (NRZ) was employed, and a twelve-volt logic level was transmitted for a binary 1. The word length was 32 bits. Bits 32 and 31 contained the SSM, and no parity bit was provided. The remaining fields included an 8-bit label and 6 BCD fields, five of 4 bits and one of 2 bits. In 1967 the six-wire system was adopted as an industry standard.

Other standards include ARINC 573, a Flight Data Recorder output format. This device sends a continuous data stream of Harvard Bi-Phase encoded 12 bit words which is encoded in frames. The data in a frame consists of a snapshot of the many avionics subsystems on the aircraft. Each frame contains the same data at a different snapshot in time.

Each frame is broken into four sub-frames. At the start of each sub-frame is a unique sync word that is used by the receiver to synchronize with the incoming data.

ARINC 575 is an older specification very similar to ARINC 429 but now obsolete. It accommodated the Mark 3 Subsonic Air Data System (DADS) with a single twisted pair of wires, which has become the standard in ARINC 429. Electrically, ARINC 575 is generally compatible with low speed ARINC 429. Some variants of 575 use a bit rate that is significantly slower than ARINC 429 and are not electrically compatible. Also, in some cases, ARINC 575 words use bit 32 as parity (as does ARINC 429); in other cases bit 32 is used as data.

This is an older specification that has many electrical permutations. There are 6-wire versions (see ARINC 561), 2-wire versions (see ARINC 575) as well as 16-bit, 2-wire versions.

Special cases of ARINC 429 compliant systems also exist. ARINC 615 describes a high-speed data loader to transfer information to and from on board digital systems. It is a software protocol layered on top of an ARINC 429 physical layer. There are two versions of the loader. PDL is a portable flight line piece of test equipment and ADL is designed to fit in commercial aircraft instrument panels. Both equipment are capable of reading and writing to 3 1/2 inch diskettes and transferring data between the diskettes and a selected airborne computer. The transfers can occur automatically, or via an ARINC 429 data bus. Data can be either uploaded or downloaded as desired.

Additional ARINC standards are being developed. ARINC 629 is used on the new Boeing 777 Aircraft. It uses a high-speed bi-directional bus capable of either periodic or aperiodic transmissions. Access to the bus is controlled by a sophisticated protocol involving wait periods, quiet periods and other rules. Further details can be found in Reference 9.

This protocol is specific to airborne weather radar systems. It is used as the output from the radar to the radar display. The bus uses 2-wires, is simplex, Manchester encoded and runs at a one-megabit data rate. It was originally based upon a simple derivative of MIL-STD-1553 technology. The data words are 1600 bits long which is composed of one, 64-bit status word and 512, 3-bit data words.

ARINC 717 supercedes ARINC 573 and is used to perform the same function. It adds a number of different bit rates and frame sizes. It also provides for an alternate output data stream that is identical to the primary, Harvard Bi-phase encoded stream, except that it is encoded in BPRZ format (the same as ARINC 429).

CAN := Controller Area Network

Der VDA (:= Verband der Automobilindustrie in Deutschland) gibt folgende kurze charakterisierung zum ISO 11898 - On-board Kommunikationssystem "CAN": Zu den Arbeitsschwerpunkten der Kraftfahrzeugnormung gehört die Entwicklung von Standards für on-board Kommunikationssysteme. Für hohe Datenübertragungsraten von mehr als 125 kBit/s wurde das in Deutschland entwickelte sogenannte "CAN"-Protokoll verabschiedet und 1993 als International Standard ISO 11898 veröffentlicht (anschließend auch als DIN ISO 11898). Das CAN Protokoll ist mittlerweile weltweit im Automobilbereich das führende Protokoll und bei nahezu allen Kfz-Herstellern zumindest in der Mittelklasse und aufwärts bei der Datenübertragung zwischen Steuergeräten wie Motormanagement und Getrieberegelung im Bereich zwischen 125 kBaud und bis zu 500 kBaud eingesetzt. Neben der nahezu 100%-Verbreitung im Fahrzeugbereich ist CAN auch in der Automatisierungstechnik verbreitet (mit Stückzahlen der CAN-Chips, die höher als die Stückzahlen im Automobilbereich sind). Auch amerikanische und französische PKW, die in der Vergangenheit noch vielfach ihre eigenen Protokolle favorisierten, verwenden bei Neuentwicklungen mehr und mehr das CAN Protokoll. Im Nutzfahrzeugbereich kann man davon ausgehen, daß der CAN Bus mittlerweile eine 100% Verbreitung bei allen renommierten Nfz-Herstellern weltweit erlangt hat. (ISO 11898 in der Protokollauslegung nach SAE J1939). Im Karosseriebereich mit den geringeren erforderlichen Datenübertragungsraten werden ebenfalls bei vielen Kfz-Herstellern bestehende Bus-Lösungen mit einer Reihe von anderen Protokollen (J1850, VAN, ABUS etc) mehr und mehr durch das international genormte CAN Protokoll abgelöst. " ISO 11898 : 1993 wird zur Zeit unter deutscher Federführung überarbeitet und auf den neuesten technischen Stand gebracht; die Neuausgabe des Standards wird im Jahre 2001 erwartet.

Die folgende Kurzdarstellung ist übernommen von der Firma KVASER. Dort gibt es auch einen Link zu einer Reihe von informativen Slideshows und Artikeln zum CAN-Protokoll.

The CAN protocol is an ISO standard (ISO 11898) for serial data communication. The protocol was developed aiming at automotive applications. Today CAN has gained widespread use and is used in industrial automation as well as in automotives and mobile machines.

There are a number of good reasons for why the CAN protocol is the right choice:

Mature standard

The CAN protocol has been around for a about 15 years (since 1986). There are now a lot of CAN products and tools available on the open market.

Hardware implementation of the protocol

The CAN protocol is implemented in silicon. This makes it possible to combine the error handling and fault confinement facilities of CAN with a high transmission speed. The method used for distributing messages to the right receivers contributes to gaining a good use of the available band width.

Simple transmission medium

A common transmission medium is a twisted pair of wires. A CAN system can also work with just one wire. In some applications different kinds of links, opto links or radio links, are better suited. Though there is a transmission hardware standard (twisted pair), it is not uncommon to use different transmission solutions depending on system requirements.

Excellent error handling

The error handling of CAN is one of the really strong advantages of the protocol. The error detection mechanisms are extensive, and the fault confinement algorithms are well developed. The error handling and retransmission of the messages is done automatically by the CAN hardware.

Fine fault confinement

A faulty node within a system can ruin the transmission of a whole system, e.g. by occupying all the available band width. The CAN protocol has a built in feature that prevents a faulty node from blocking the system. A faulty node is eventually excluded from further sending on the CAN bus.

FIP := Factory Instrumentation Protocol

Fieldbus Organisations

The major players in the fieldbus area were previously dominated by two major groups:

  • WorldFIP (World Factory Instrumentation Protocol)
  • ISP (Interoperable Systems Project)

However, recently, these two groups have joined together to form the Fieldbus Foundation (FF). The Fieldbus Foundation and another organisation known as Profibus-ISP are now competing for market dominance.

Two standards bodies known as the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) and the ISA (Industry Society of America ) are currently working on an international standard known as SP50. This standard will hopefully allow the manufacturers of fieldbus equipment all around the world to produce compatible instruments for industrial applications. WorldFIP, ISP and FF have pledged that they will eventually evolve their products to meet the standard when it arrives. However, when the standard finally does arrive, users of existing non-conforming equipment will run the risk of having obsolete equipment or having to purchase new systems at an excessive cost.

At the time of writing, information regarding actual market share for the Fieldbus Foundation and Profibus-ISP was not available, but Process Engineering's Instrumentation Supplement for 1994, predicts that the Fieldbus Foundation will take the greater market share.

World Factory Instrumentation Protocol

The World Factory Instrumentation Protocol (WorldFIP) was developed from an earlier French National Standard known as NFC 46-600, or more commonly as FIP. It is a consortium of companies producing field bus instruments that use a messaging system. Time critical options are supposedly guaranteed in a WorldFIP implementation. WorldFIP plans to add a device description tool, known as the WorldFIP Device Builder. The Device Builder will automatically inform the control system what features and parameters each instrument connected to the bus has.

Interestingly , WorldFIP is divisional in nature with a UK, European and North American division. Each division is motivated by similar goals and similar implementations, but each operates almost autonomously from the others.

Some of the major members of WorldFIP include

  • Honeywell (Arizona)
  • Bailey Controls (Ohio)
  • Cegelec (Paris)
  • Allen Bradley Corporation (Ohio)
  • Telemecanique (Paris)
  • Ronan Engineering Co. (California)
  • Square D
  • Electricite de France (France)
  • Elf (France)
Interoperable Systems Project

The Interoperable Systems Project (ISP) implementation is based on the German National Standard DIN STD19245, also known as Process Field Bus, or Profibus. Profibus is similar to the token passing network commonly implemented on many networks today. The ISP extension to Profibus is the Device Description Language (DDL). DDL allows an instrument added to the bus system to communicate to a master control what its functions and capabilities are.

Some of the major members of ISP include

  • Siemens (Germany)
  • The Rosemount Group (Minnesota)
  • Fisher Controls, Inc. (Texas)
  • Foxoboro Co. (Massachusetts)
  • ABB Co. (Sweden)
  • Yokogawa Electric Corporation (Tokyo)
Fieldbus Foundation

On a positive note ISP and WorldFIP (North American division) have been working together since late 1993 on a possible merger of their technology. A single solution has been what industry has needed for a long time, so in June of 1994, the Fieldbus Foundation (FF) was set up between ISP and WorldFIP (NA). However, at least 1 to 2 years of delay is expected before a complete product can be produced.


Effectively a breakaway group of the Profibus and ISP organisations, this group effectively announced to the world that they will have their own fieldbus communications system ready in approximately June/July 1994. Profibus-ISP is derived from the Profibus and ISP products, and hence has the features of both with some small additions.

At the time of writing, little information on Profibus-ISP and the Fieldbus Foundation was available.


he ISA/IEC are developing a standard with the working name of SP50. The standard will follow the ISO/OSI seven layer model for data communications with an additional eighth layer which focuses on the product interoperablility.

Current progress on the SP50 is as follow

  • Physical - Completed. Specification includes
    • 31.25 kbit/sec, 1 Mbit/sec and 2.5 Mbit/sec data transfer rates.
    • Requirements for fieldbus component parts.
    • Media and network configuration requirements for data integrity and interoperability between devices.
  • Data Link - Balloting 1995. Draft standard by 1996.
  • Application - Balloting in 1995.
  • User - In Committee now. Balloting late 1995.
  • System & Network Management - expect to be completed mid 1996.


This standard contains requirements for a digital time division command/response multiplex data bus for use in systems integration.

This standard establishes requirements for digital, command/response, time division multiplexing (Data Bus) techniques. It encompasses the data bus line and its interface electronics, and also defines the concept of operation and information flow on the multiplex data bus and the electrical and functional formats to be employed.

Application: When invoked in a specification or statement of work, these requirements shall apply to the multiplex data bus and associated equipment which is developed either alone or as a portion of a weapon system or subsystem development. The contractor is responsible for invoking all the applicable requirements of this Military Standard on any and all subcontractors he may employ.

The multiplex data bus system shall function asynchronously in a command /response mode, and transmission shall occur in a half-duplex manner. Sole control of information transmission on the bus shall reside with the bus controller, which shall initiate all transmissions. The information flow on the data bus shall be comprised of messages which are, in turn, formed by three types of words (command, data, and status).

Data form: Digital data may be transmitted in any desired form, provided that the chosen form shall be compatible with the message and word formats defined in this standard. Any unused bit positions in a word shall be transmitted as logic zeros.

Bit priority: The most significant bit shall be transmitted first with the least significant bits following in descending order of value in the data word. The number of bits required to define a quantity shall be consistent with the resolution or accuracy required. In the event that multiple precision quantities (information accuracy or resolution requiring more than 16 bits) are transmitted, the most significant bits shall be transmitted first, followed by the word(s) containing the lesser significant bits in numerical descending order. Bit packing of multiple quantities in a single data word is permitted.

Transmission method: Modulation The signal shall be transferred over the data bus in serial digital pulse code modulation form.

Data code: The data code shall be Manchester II bi-phase level. A logic one shall be transmitted as a bipolar coded signal 1/0 (i.e., a positive pulse followed by a negative pulse). A logic zero shall be a bipolar coded signal 0/1 (i.e., a negative pulse followed by a positive pulse). A transition through zero occurs at the midpoint of each bit time (see Figure 2).

Transmission bit rate: The transmission bit rate on the bus shall be 1.0 megabit per second with a combined accuracy and long-term stability of ± 0.1 percent (i.e., ±1000 hertz (Hz)). The short-term stability (i.e., stability over 1.0 second interval) shall be at least 0.01 percent (i.e., ±100 Hz)

Word size : The word size shall be 16 bits plus the sync waveform and the parity bit for a total of 20 bits times.

Word formats: The word formats shall be the command, data, and status words.

Command word: A command word shall be comprised of a sync waveform, remote terminal address field, transmit/receive (T/R) bit, subaddress/mode field, word count/mode code field, and a parity (P) bit. .....

Dynamic bus control: The controller shall issue a transmit command to an RT capable of performing the bus control function. This RT shall respond with a status word. Control of the data bus passes from the offering bus controller to the accepting RT upon completion of the transmission of the status word by the RT. If the RT rejects control of the data bus, the offering bus controller retains control of the data bus.

Synchronize: (without data word) This command shall cause the RT to synchronize (e.g., to reset the internal timer, to start a sequence, etc.). The RT shall transmit the status word.

Transmit status word: This command shall cause the RT to transmit the status word associated with the last valid command word preceding this command. This mode command shall not alter the state of the status word.

Initiate self test: This command shall be used to initiate self test within the RT. The RT shall transmit the status word.

Transmitter shutdown : This command (to only be used with dual redundant bus systems) shall cause the RT to disable the transmitter associated with the redundant bus. The RT shall not comply with a command to shut down a transmitter on the bus from which this command is received. In all cases, the RT shall respond with a status word after this command.

Override transmitter shutdown: This command (to only be used with dual redundant bus systems) shall cause the RT to enable a transmitter which was previously disabled. The RT shall not comply with a command to enable a transmitter on the bus from which this command is received. In all cases, the RT shall respond with a status word after this command.

Inhibit terminal flag (T/F) bit: This command shall cause the RT to set T/F bit in the status word to logic zero until otherwise commanded. The RT shall transmit the status word.

Override inhibit T/F bit: This command shall cause the RT to override the inhibit T/F bit. The RT shall transmit the status word.

Reset remote terminal: This command shall be used to reset the RT to power up initialized state. The RT shall first transmit its status word, and then reset. .....


PROFIBUS - The Plantwide Worldwide Fieldbus, is the world's leading vendor independent open fieldbus standard for use in manufacturing and building automation as well as process control.

PROFIBUS is standardised under IEC 61158 and the European Fieldbus Standard EN 50170. This guarantees stability and open-ness for users and vendors worldwide. As at Q2 2001 an installed base of more than 5,000,000 nodes in over 500,000 applications clearly demonstrates that users and vendors benefit from this proven technology.

The PROFIBUS Group is the UK arm of PROFIBUS International, an umbrella organisation for the expanding PROFIBUS 'User Groups' which now cover 23 countries in Europe, North and South America, Africa, and the Pacific Rim. The PROFIBUS Group in the UK over 40 members, worldwide 1100 members make this the biggest fieldbus interest group.

The PROFIBUS Group provides services to companies interested in PROFIBUS, whether as ultimate end-users, system providers or as vendors.

VMEbus := VersaModule Eurocard bus

Ein 32-bit bus entwickelt von Motorola, Signetics, Mostek und Thompson CSF.Er ist weitverbreitet in industriellen, kommerziellen und militärischen Anwendungen. Es gibt ca. 300 von VMEbus-Produkten weltweit. VME64 ist eine Erweiterung mit 64-bit Datentransfer und Addressierung.

Description by Motorola: The VERSAmodule Eurocard bus, better known as the VMEbus, was launched 20 years ago in October 1981. In the computer industry, very few technologies have a life even approaching 20 years, yet VMEbus continues to flourish. This technology is still one of our most successful product lines, with over 250 different products offered.

VMEbus is a computer bus architecture that is widely used for telecommunications, industrial automation, medical and military applications. This open-industry standard defines physical card dimensions and mounting, the electrical interface and the connectors. This means that VMEbus boards that adhere to the standard can be plugged into a system and will be interoperable, even if they come from different suppliers.

The term "VME" was first coined in 1980 by the group of manufacturers who defined it. This group was composed of people from Motorola, Mostek and Signetics who were cooperating to define the standard. "Bus" is a generic term describing a computer data path, hence the name VMEbus. Some widely used definitions of VME are VERSAbus-E, VERSAmodule Europe and VERSAmodule European. However, the term "Eurocard" tends to fit better, as VMEbus was originally a combination of the VERSAbus electrical standard (a derivative of the 68000 microprocessor bus) and the Eurocard mechanical form factor.

"Eurocard" is a term which loosely describes a family of products based around the DIN 41612 and IEC 603-2 connector standards, the IEEE 1101 PC board standards and the DIN 41494 and IEC 297-3 rack standards.

The microcomputer bus industry began with the advent of the microprocessor and in 1980 many buses were showing their age. Most worked well with only one or two types of microprocessors, had a small addressing range and were rather slow. The VMEbus architects were charged with implementing a reliable mechanical standard, allowing independent vendors to build compatible products and defining a new bus that would be microprocessor independent and could be easily upgraded from 16- to 32-bit data paths. No proprietary rights were assigned to the new bus, which helped stimulate third party product development. Anyone can make VMEbus products without any royalty fees or licenses.

The marriage of the VERSAbus electrical specification and the Eurocard format resulted in VMEbus Revision A, released in 1981. The VMEbus specification has since been refined through revisions B, C, C.1, IEC 821, IEEE 1014-1987 and ANSI/VITA 1-1994. The ANSI, VITA, IEC and IEEE standards are important because they make VMEbus a publicly defined specification. Since no proprietary rights are assigned to it, vendors and users need not worry that their products will become obsolete at the whim of any single manufacturer. Since its introduction, VMEbus has generated thousands of products and attracted hundreds of manufacturers of boards, mechanical hardware, software and bus interface chips. VMEbus continues to grow and support diverse applications such as industrial controls, military, telecommunications, office automation and instrumentation systems.

Von diesen verschiedenen Bussen soll das CAN-Protokoll noch weiter untersucht werden.


4. Das CAN-Protokoll

Ein kurzer Überblick zur Geschichte des CAN-Protokolls und seines Einsatzes --ohne CANopen!-- vermittelt das folgende Schaubild, das einer Slideshow der Firma KVASER entnommen ist:


CAN - Some history (according to KVASER)

Ein Blick auf ein konkretes Netzwerk von CAN-Komponenten aus Produktsicht vermittelt das folgende Schaubild (ebenfalls von der Firma KVASER (s.o)):


CAN - example network (according to KVASER)

Schliesslich noch ein Blick in den schematischen Aufbau eines CAN-Moduls:


CAN - module (according to KVASER)

Hier eine erste etwas ausführlichere Darstellung zum CAN-Protokoll von CiA := CAN in Automation, a non-profit CAN-usergroup.

CiA schreibt zum CAN-Protokoll:

The CAN protocol is an international standard defined in the ISO 11898. Beside the CAN protocol itself the conformance test for the CAN protocol is defined in the ISO 16845, which guarantees the interchangeability of the CAN chips.

CAN is based on the so-called broadcast communication mechanism. This broadcast communication is achieved by using a message oriented transmission protocol. Thus not defining stations and station addresses, it only defines message. These messages are identified by using a message identifier. Such a message identifier has to be unique within the whole network and it defines not only the content but also the priority of the message. This will be important when several stations compete for bus access.


CAN - Broadcast-communication

A high degree of system and configuration flexibility is achieved as a result of the content-oriented addressing scheme. It is very easy to add stations to a existing CAN network without making any hardware or software modifications to the existing stations as long as the new stations are purely receivers. This allows the concept of modular electronics and also permits multiple reception and the synchronization of distributed processes: data needed as information by several stations can be transmitted via the network in such a way that it is unnecessary for each station to have to know who the producer of the data is. This allows easy servicing and upgrading of networks as data transmission is not based on the availability of specific types of stations.

In real-time processing the urgency of messages to be exchanged over the network can differ greatly: a rapidly changing dimension, e.g. engine load, has to be transmitted more frequently and therefore with less delays than other dimensions, e.g. engine temperature.


CAN - Bus-arbitration

The priority at which a message is transmitted compared to another less urgent message is specified by the identifier of each message. The priorities are laid down during system design in the form of corresponding binary values and cannot be changed dynamically. The identifier with the lowest binary number has the highest priority.

Bus access conflicts are resolved by bit-wise arbitration on the identifiers involved by each station observing the bus level bit for bit. This happens in accordance with the "wired and" mechanism, by which the dominant state overwrites the recessive state. The competition for bus allocation is lost by all those stations (nodes) with recessive transmission and dominant observation. All those "losers" automatically become receivers of the message with the highest priority and do not re-attempt transmission until the bus is available again.

Transmission requests are handled in the order of the importance of the messages for the system as a whole. This proves especially advantageous in overload situations. Since bus access is prioritized on the basis of the messages, it is possible to guarantee low individual latency times in real-time systems.

The CAN protocol supports two message frame formats, the only essential difference being in the length of the identifier. The so-called CAN standard frame, also known as CAN 2.0 A, supports a length of 11 bits for the identifier, and the so-called CAN extended frame, also known as CAN 2.0 B, supports a length of 29 bits for the identifier.


CAN - Message Frame Format

A message in the CAN standard frame format begins with the start bit called "Start Of Frame (SOF)", this is followed by the "Arbitration field" which consist of the identifier and the "Remote Transmission Request (RTR)" bit used to distinguish between the data frame and the data request frame called remote frame. The following "Control field" contains the "IDentifier Extension (IDE)" bit to distinguish between the CAN standard frame and the CAN extended frame, as well as the "Data Length Code (DLC)" used to indicate the number of following data bytes in the "Data field". If the message is used as a remote frame, the DLC contains the number of requested data byte. The "Data field" that follows is able to hold up to 8 data byte. The integrity of the frame is guaranteed by the following "Cyclic Redundant Check (CRC)" sum (this information is taken from the URL: http://www2.rad.com/networks/1994/err_con/crc_how.htm). The "ACKnowledge (ACK) field" compromises the ACK slot and the ACK delimiter. The bit in the ACK slot is sent as a recessive bit and is overwritten as a dominant bit by those receivers which have at this time received the data correctly. Correct messages are acknowledged by the receivers regardless of the result of the acceptance test. The end of the message is indicated by "End Of Frame (EOF)". The "Intermission Frame Space (IFS)" is the minimum number of bits separating consecutive messages. If there is no following bus access by any station the bus remains idle.

A message in the CAN extended frame format is likely the same as a message in CAN standard frame format. The difference is the length of the identifier used. The identifier is made up of the existing 11-bit identifier (so-called base identifier) and an 18-bit extension (so-called identifier extension). The distinction between CAN standard frame format and CAN extended frame format is made by using the IDE bit which is transmitted as dominant in case of a frame in CAN standard frame format, and transmitted as recessive in case of a frame in CAN extended frame format. As the two formats have to co-exist on one bus, it is laid down which message has higher priority on the bus in the case of bus access collision with different formats and the same identifier / base identifier: The message in CAN standard frame format always has priority over the message in extended format.

CAN controllers which support the messages in CAN extended frame format are also able to send and receive messages in CAN standard frame format. When CAN controllers which only cover the CAN standard frame format are used in one network, then only messages in CAN standard frame can be transmitted in the entire network. Messages in CAN extended frame format would be misunderstood. However there are CAN controllers which only support CAN standard frame format but recognize messages in CAN extended frame format and ignore them (version 2.0 B passive).

Unlike other bus systems, the CAN protocol does not use acknowledgement messages but instead signals any errors immediately as they occur. For error detection the CAN protocol implements three mechanisms at the message level:

The CAN protocol also implements two mechanisms for error detection at the bit level:

If one or more errors are discovered by at least one station using the above mechanisms, the current transmission is aborted by sending an "error flag". This prevents other stations accepting the message and thus ensures the consistency of data throughout the network. After transmission of an erroneous message that has been aborted, the sender automatically re-attempts transmission (automatic re-transmission). There may again competition for bus allocation.

However effective and efficient the method described may be, in the event of a defective station it might lead to all messages (including correct ones) being aborted. If no measures for self-monitoring were taken, the bus system would be blocked by this. The CAN protocol therefore provides a mechanism to distinguishing sporadic errors from permanent errors and local failures at the station. This is done by statistical assessment of station error situations with the aim of recognizing a stations own defects and possibly entering an operation mode where the rest of the CAN network is not negatively affected. This may go as far as the station switching itself off to prevent messages erroneously from being recognized as incorrect .


5. Einfaches Fallbeispiel

Im folgenden wird ein einfaches Beispiel analysiert, um die bisherigen Konzepte zu illustrieren. Diese Analyse wird zusätzliche Fragen aufwerfen, die dann in der nachfolgenden VL im Rahmen der HLPs ('higher level protocols') weiter analysiert werden.

5.1 Problemstellung/Anforderungen

Für die folgende Aufgabenstellung soll das Aufzug-Problem aus VL8 ein wenig abgewandelt werden (siehe auch die Aufzug-Webseite mit Links zu realen Aufzugsprojekten). Die Ausarbeitung zu diesem Beispiel erhebt weder den Anspruch, die optimale Lösung darzustellen, noch eine volltändige.

In der Praxis geht der Aufstellung solch eines Anforderungskataloges in der Regel ein längerer Klärungsprozess voraus, im Rahmen dessen unterschiedliche Beteiligte interviewt und Sachfragen geklärt werden müssen.

Folgende Annahmen sollen gelten:

  1. Es soll sich um einen Personanaufzug handeln, mit Seilantrieb und Elektromotor. Die Fahrgast-Kabine kann 675 kg ( := 9 Personen) aufnehmen und wird mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 1m/sec bewegt. Der Weg zwischen zwei Stockwerken wird mit 2,50m veranschlagt. Bei Betriebsbeginn befindet sich die Fahrgast-Kabine in Stockwerk 0. Der Aufzug bedient die Stockwerke 0 ... 6.

  2. Auf jedem Stockwerk gibt es einen Anforderungsknopf SAi mit i in {0,6}. Wenn jemand im 3. Stock den Aufzug anfordert, dann sendet das Modul von SA3 eine Nachricht an das Kontrollmodul des Aufzugs, aus der hervorgeht, dass im 3.Stockwerk eine Anforderung vorliegt. Liegt keine Anforderung vor, dann sendet ein Anforderungsmodul SAi den Wert '-1'.

  3. Wenn das Kontrollmodul eine Anforderung von SAi empfängt entscheidet das Programm des Kontrollmoduls, wann diese Anforderung bedient wird.

  4. Das Programm des Kontrollmoduls kann den Motor des Aufzugs --der über dem 6.Stockwerk angebracht ist-- jeweils um ein Stockwerk abwärts (= down, = 1) oder aufwärts (=up, =2) steuern oder nichts tun (=nil, =0).

  5. Das Programm des Kontrollmoduls des Aufzugs hat jederzeit Informationen über ein aktuelles Ziel Z und über das aktuelle Stockwerk S, in dem sich die Fahrgastzelle des Aufzugs befindet. Zu Beginn gilt Z==0 und S==0. Wenn gilt: S == Z, dann sendet das Programm des Kontrollmoduls eine Botschaft an die Tür der Fahrgastzelle, dass diese sich öffnet, falls der Öfffnungszeitzähler DOPEN < DOPEN_MAX ist. DOPEN_MAX ist die Anzahl der Sekunden, nach wievielen Sekunden spätestens eine geöffnete Tür bei freier Lichtschranke LI wieder geschlossen werden soll. LI hat die Werte {0 := not free, 1 := free}.

  6. Wenn die Tür geschlossen wurde wertet das Programm des Kontrollmoduls die Zieleingaben SI aus. Diese können Werte aus {0,...,6} enthalten, und zwar maximal 6, für jedes Stockwerk ein Wert, ausgenommen das aktuelle Stockwerk. Diese Werte werden erzeugt, wenn ein Fahrgast auf einen Knopf SIj mit der Stockwerkszahl j drückt.

  7. Aus den Werten SAi sowie SIj ermittelt das Programm das aktuelle Ziel Z. Ist Z grösser als das aktuelle Stockwerk S, dann muss die Fahrgastkabine nach oben bewegt werden, ist Z < S, dann nach unten.


5.2 Strukturanalyse: Systeme und Interaktionj

Will man die vorausgehenden Anforderungen in ein ablauffähiges System umsetzen, muss zunächst ein Modell ausgearbeitet werden, aus dem hervorgeht, welche Systeme auftreten und wie diese interagieren; anschliessend müssen diese Systeme eventuell noch weitergehender analysiert werden.

In dieser Vorlesung benutzen wir zur Systembildung nicht das objektorietierte Paradigma, sondern das Systemparadigma. Wie schon mehrfach festgestellt, lassen sich beide Modellierungskontrukte theoretisch eineindeutig aufeinander abbilden.

Im Rahmen der systemtheoretischen Analyse fragen wir zunächst, welche Systeme möglicherweise bei dem Problem beteiligt sind und wie diese untereinander zusammenhängen. Das nachfolgende Diagramm zeigt eine mögliche Analyse von beteiligten Systemen.


Mögliche Systeme im Beispiel Aufzug

  1. SAi: Steuersignale aussen senden Botschaften an die Kontrolleinheit.

  2. LI: die Lichtschrabke LI sendet die Botschaft 'not free' oder 'free' zur Kontrolleinheit.

  3. SIj: Steuersignale innen senden Botschaften {0,...,6} zur Kontrolleinheit.

  4. CLOCK: die Uhr sendet jede Sekunde eine Botschaft n zur Kontrolleinheit; n := Anzahl der Sekunden seit Start.

  5. CONTROL: die Kontrolleinheit sendet Botschaften an den Motor MOTOR {0,1,2}, an die Tür DOOR {0,1} sowie an die Anzeige LED {0,...,6}.

Um aus diesen Daten eine ablauffähige Anwendung zu machen, muss man als nächstes klären, wie die Abfolge der Botschaften aussehen soll. Daraus ergibt sich ein Interaktionsdiagramm.


Mögliches Interaktionsdiagramm

Dieses Interaktionsdiagramm gibt eine mögliche Variante wieder, und diese auch nicht vollständig detailliert.

  1. Das obige Interaktionsdiagramm geht davon aus, dass es für alle Module ausser CONTROL Startwerte gibt, die während der Initialisierung INIT gesetzt werden.

  2. Ferner wird angenommen, dass es eine Uhr CLOCK gibt, die die Kontrolleinheit CONTROl jede Sekunde mit einer Zeitangabe n versorgt; n repräsentiert die Anzahl der Sekunden seit Start des Systems. Die Uhr hat im System die höchste Priorität.

  3. Es können dann Anforderungen SAi auftreten.

  4. Die Kontrolleinheit fragt den Zustand der Lichtschranke ab; sobald die Lichtschranke LI lange genug kein Hindernis mehr gemeldet hat, wir die Tür DOOR geschlossen.

  5. Es wird dann das innere Steuersignal SI abgefragt.

  6. Schliesslich wird berechnet, ob die Fahrgastkabine stehen bleibt oder sich nach oben oder unten bewegen soll; dies wird dem Motor MOTOR mitgeteilt.

  7. Bei Erreichen eines neuen Stockwerkes wird der LED ein entsprechendes Signal gesendet und die Tür DOOR wird geöffnet, falls dieses Stockwerk ein aktuelles Ziel Z ist.

  8. Danach beginnt die Prozedur wieder von vorne bei Nr.2

In diesem Diagram erscheint es so, als ob die äusseren Steuersignale nur zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt auftreten können; dem ist aber nicht so. Aufforderungen können jederzeit entstehen. Eine mögliche Behandlung dieser Aufforderungsereignisse wäre die Annahme, dass alle beliebig oft auftretenden Anforderungen in einem zentralen Register in der Folge ihres Auftretens gesammelt werden; jedes Stockwerk genau einmal (Liste ? Stack ? Queue ? ). Dieses Register wird dann von dem Kontrollmodul immer dann ausgewertet, wenn es in der Schleife die neue Zielberechnung vornimmt.

Bevor nun auf die einzelnen Komponenten genauer eingegangen wird, muessen die Randbedingungen der Kommunikation geklärt werden. Dabei wird hier von der annahme Gebrauch gemacht, dass für die Kommunikation das Protokoll CAN 2.0A benutzt werden soll; Alternativen werden an dieser Stelle nicht analysiert (ein alternatives Szenario mit VME-Bus und Ethernet wird im kommenden Semester untersucht werden).


5.3 Kommunikation mit CAN 2.0A allgemein

Für die weitere Analyse gehen wir von der Zuordnung aus, dass das, was im Kontext des CAN-Protokolls ein CAN-Modul genannt wird, aus den Komponenten SYSTEM + INTERFACE besteht: das Interface realisiert die OSI-Schichten 1 +2. Das eigentliche CAN 2.0A-Protokoll bildet die Schicht 2. In dem Beispiel gehen wir ferner davon aus, dass die ankommenden Botschaften in einem bestimmten Speicherbereich (RAM-INPUT) in der Reihenfolge ihres Auftretens abgelegt werden. Dieser RAM-INPUT-Bereich ist als Queue implementiert. 'Neue' Botschaften werden 'hinten' angefügt, 'alte' Botschaften 'vorne' abgefragt. Umgekehrt legt das System seine Botschaften, die als Output gedacht sind, ebenfalls in einen dezidierten Speicherbereich RAM-OUTPUT (ebenfalls eine Queue); von dort holt sich der Kontroller seine Informationen, um sie als Botschaften zu verschicken.


CAN20.A als Beispiel eines Interfaces

Es ergibt sich damit eine Situation, wie sie das nachfolgende Diagramm darstellt: alle Systeme aus dem vorausgehenden Interaktionsdiagramm sind über Schnittstellen mit dem Kommunikationskanal verbunden. Die Schnittstellen realiseren ein CAN 2.0A-Protokoll.


Interagierende CAN 2.0A-Module

Für die weitere Analyse sollen folgende Annahmen gelten:

  1. Als Kanalkapazität wird eine Leistung von 20 KBits/sec angenommen (maximale verfügbare Kapazität heute ist 1 MBits/sec).

  2. Für alle CAN-Module wird angenommen, dass sie mindestens eine Bandbreite von 20 KBits/sec besitzen.

  3. Bei den Botschaften gilt die Repräsentation der Zeit von der Uhr CLCK als jene mit den meisten Bytes: 1 Jahr entspricht 31.536.000 sec, das entspricht einem binären Polynom mit 224 Bits, also 3 Bytes. Nimmt man an, dass der Aufzug spätestens nach 1 Jahr aus Sicherheitsgründen gewartet werden muss, wird die Zahl 31.536.000 niemals überschritten.

Botschaften werden in Form von Frames übermittelt. Es wird unterschieden zwischen Sender ('transmitter') und Empfänger ('receiver') von Frames. Folgende Typen von Frames gibt es:





1 ... 12,13


[20, .. 83](can be empty)



+1, ..., +7











Reserved Bits








Im Standard CAN 2.0A heisst es zu den einzelnen Feldern eines DATA FRAMES:
















Der Empfänger bestimmter Daten kann diese explizit anfordern, indem er dem potentiellen Sender einen REMOTE FRAME schickt, der die Anzahl der gewünschten Bytes enthält, aber natürlich keine Daten. Im einzelnen enthält eine REMOTE FRAME folgende Felder:





The ERROR FRAME consists of two different fields. The first field is given by the superposition of ERROR FLAGs contributed from different stations. The following second field is the ERROR DELIMITER.

In order to terminate an ERROR FRAME correctly, an 'error passive' node may need the bus to be 'bus idle' for at least 3 bit times (if there is a local error at an 'error passive' receiver). Therefore the bus should not be loaded to 100%.


  1. The ACTIVE ERROR FLAG consists of six consecutive 'dominant' bits.

  2. The PASSIVE ERROR FLAG consists of six consecutive 'recessive' bits unless it is overwritten by 'dominant' bits from other nodes.

An 'error active' station detecting an error condition signals this by transmission of an ACTIVE ERROR FLAG. The ERROR FLAG's form violates the law of bit stuffing (see CODING) applied to all fields from START OF FRAME to CRC DELIMITER or destroys the fixed form ACK FIELD or END OF FRAME field. As a consequence, all other stations detect an error condition and on their part start transmission of an ERROR FLAG. So the sequence of 'dominant' bits which actually can be monitored on the bus results from a super- position of different ERROR FLAGs transmitted by individual stations. The total length of this sequence varies between a minimum of six and a maximum of twelve bits. An 'error passive' station detecting an error condition tries to signal this by transmission of a PASSIVE ERROR FLAG. The 'error passive' station waits for six consecutive bits of equal polarity, beginning at the start of the PASSIVE ERROR FLAG. The PASSIVE ERROR FLAG is complete when these 6 equal bits have been detected.

ERROR DELIMITER: The ERROR DELIMITER consists of eight 'recessive' bits. After transmission of an ERROR FLAG each station sends 'recessive' bits and monitors the bus until it detects a 'recessive' bit. Afterwards it starts transmitting seven more 'recessive' bits.






OVERLOAD Delimiter

Superposition of

The OVERLOAD FRAME contains the two bit fields OVERLOAD FLAG and OVERLOAD DELIMITER. There are two kinds of OVERLOAD conditions, which both lead to the transmission of an OVERLOAD FLAG:

  1. The internal conditions of a receiver, which requires a delay of the next DATA FRAME or REMOTE FRAME.

  2. Detection of a 'dominant' bit during INTERMISSION.

The start of an OVERLOAD FRAME due to OVERLOAD condition 1 is only allowed to be started at the first bit time of an expected INTERMISSION, whereas OVERLOAD FRAMEs due to OVERLOAD condition 2 start one bit after detecting the 'dominant' bit.

At most two OVERLOAD FRAMEs may be generated to delay the next DATA or REMOTE FRAME.

OVERLOAD FLAG consists of six 'dominant' bits. The overall form corresponds to that of the ACTIVE ERROR FLAG.

The OVERLOAD FLAG's form destroys the fixed form of the INTERMISSION field. As a consequence, all other stations also detect an OVERLOAD condition and on their part start transmission of an OVERLOAD FLAG. (In case that there is a 'dominant' bit detected during the 3rd bit of INTERMISSION locally at some node, the other nodes will not interpret the OVERLOAD FLAG correctly, but interpret the first of these six 'dominant' bits as START OF FRAME. The sixth 'dominant' bit violates the rule of bit stuffing causing an error condition).

OVERLOAD DELIMITER consists of eight 'recessive' bits.

The OVERLOAD DELIMITER is of the same form as the ERROR DELIMITER. After transmission of an OVERLOAD FLAG the station monitors the bus until it detects a transition from a 'dominant' to a 'recessive' bit. At this point of time every bus station has finished sending its OVERLOAD FLAG and all stations start transmission of seven more 'recessive' bits in coincidence.





Suspend Transmission (opt)

Bus Idle

DATA FRAMEs and REMOTE FRAMEs are separated from preceding frames whatever type they are (DATA FRAME, REMOTE FRAME, ERROR FRAME, OVERLOAD FRAME) by a bit field called INTERFRAME SPACE. In contrast, OVERLOAD FRAMEs and ERROR FRAMEs are not preceded by an INTERFRAME SPACE and multiple OVER- LOAD FRAMEs are not separated by an INTERFRAME SPACE. INTERFRAME SPACE contains the bit fields INTERMISSION and BUS IDLE and, for 'error passive' stations, which have been TRANSMITTER of the previous message, SUSPEND TRANSMISSION.

For stations which are not 'error passive' or have been RECEIVER of the previous message: no Suspend Transmission.

For 'error passive' stations which have been TRANSMITTER of the previous message: with Suspend Transmission.

INTERMISSION consists of three 'recessive' bits. During INTERMISSION no station is allowed to start transmission of a DATA FRAME or REMOTE FRAME. The only action to be taken is signalling an OVERLOAD condition.

BUS IDLE: The period of BUS IDLE may be of arbitrary length. The bus is recognized to be free and any station having something to transmit can access the bus. A message, which is pending for transmission during the transmission of another message, is started in the first bit following INTERMISSION. The detection of a 'dominant' bit on the bus is interpreted as START OF FRAME.

SUSPEND TRANSMISSION: After an 'error passive' station has transmitted a message, it sends eight 'recessive' bits following INTERMISSION, before starting to transmit a further message or recognizing the bus to be idle. If meanwhile a transmission (caused by another station) starts, the station will become receiver of this message.

MESSAGE VALIDATION: The point of time at which a message is taken to be valid, is different for the transmitter and the receivers of the message. Transmitter: The message is valid for the transmitter, if there is no error until the end of END OF FRAME. If a message is corrupted, retransmission will follow automatically and according to prioritization. In order to be able to compete for bus access with other messages, re- transmission has to start as soon as the bus is idle. Receivers: The message is valid for the receivers, if there is no error until the last but one bit of END OF FRAME.

BIT STREAM CODING: The frame segments START OF FRAME, ARBITRATION FIELD, CONTROL FIELD, DATA FIELD and CRC SEQUENCE are coded by the method of bit stuffing. Whenever a transmitter detects five consecutive bits of identical value in the bit stream to be transmitted it automatically inserts a complementary bit in the actual transmitted bit stream. The remaining bit fields of the DATA FRAME or REMOTE FRAME (CRC DELIMITER, ACK FIELD and END OF FRAME) are of fixed form and not stuffed. The ERROR FRAME and the OVERLOAD FRAME are of fixed form as well and not coded by the method of bit stuffing. The bit stream in a message is coded according to the Non-Return-to-Zero (NRZ) method. This means, that during the total bit time the generated bit level is either 'dominant' or 'recessive'.

Error Detection: There are 5 different error types (which are not mutually exclusive):

Error Signalling A station detecting an error condition signals this by transmitting an ERROR FLAG. For an 'error active' node it is an ACTIVE ERROR FLAG, for an 'error passive' node it is a PASSIVE ERROR FLAG. Whenever a BIT ERROR, a STUFF ERROR, a FORM ERROR or an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ERROR is detected by any station, transmission of an ERROR FLAG is started at the respective station at the next bit. Whenever a CRC ERROR is detected, transmission of an ERROR FLAG starts at the bit following the ACK DELIMITER, unless an ERROR FLAG for another error condition has al- ready been started.


5.4 Beispiel einer Kommunikation mit CAN 2.0A


5.5 Individuelle Systemanalyse


6. Aufgabenstellung

In der Übung