short bio

Born in Al­ten-Buseck near Wetzlar in Hes­sen, Germany, on February 15th 1948 as the sec­ond child of five sib­lings of Dr. med. Elisabeth Eichst�dt (med­ical doctor) and Karl-Heinz Eichst�dt (ar­chi­tect).

1968 B.S.-equiva­lent in Wetzlar. Since 1968 Med­ical School at the Uni­versity of Mainz, since 1971 Med­ical School at the Uni­versity of D�s­seldorf (Graduation in Medicine). 1973 M.D.Thesis on prob­lems of mitral valve replace­ment at the De­part­ment of Cardiac Surgery with the support of the German Research Foundation (DFG) and under the super­vi­sion of Prof. Dr. W. Bircks.

roman catholic, four adult chil­dren

10.2.1972-28.2.1974: Con­tract of employ­ment of the DFG in the special research field of cardi-ology/phys­iology (SFB 30) at the Uni­versity of D�s­seldorf. Ani­mal-experi­mental work on extra-corpo­re­al circu­lation dur­ing cardiac surgery.

1974/75: Surgery intern­ship (abdom­inal, trauma, vascular surgery) and internal medicine intern­ship (gas­troenterology, angiology, cardiology) in D�s­seldorf.

1975-1977 res­ident at the Heart Center Bad Krozin­gen/Freiburg under the super­vi­sion of Prof Dr H Roskamm. Train­ing in clin­ical cardiology and cardiac rehabili­tation. Lead­er of the valvular and con­gen­ital heart diseases unit. Work at the intensive care unit and pacemaker ward.

Sev­eral publications. 1976 First publications in med­ical textbooks.

1977-1979 Fur­ther train­ing in internal medicine at the Uni­versity De­part­ment of Medicine in T�bin­gen, De­part­ment of Internal Medicine, under the super­vi­sion of Prof Dr K Kochsiek. Rotating train­ing program in cardiology, angiology and intensive care at the own de­part­ment and in metabolism and on­cology at oth­er de­part­ments. Publications on myocardial perfu­sion, endocarditis, cardiomyopa­thy and oth­ers.

Since 1.10.1979 Res­ident (suc­ces­sion to the angiol­o­gist Prof Dr H Heidrich) at the Med­ical Clin­ic of the Uni­versity Hos­pital Charlottenburg of Freie Uni­versit�t Berlin under the super­vi­sion of Prof Dr H Schmutzler. Internal Medicine Specialist and Cardiology Specialist (subspecialty). Knowl­edge about all cardiac diagnos­tic techniques and thera­pies, invasive treat­ment of myocardial infarction (with W Rutsch).

Se­nior consultant since the completion of the internal medicine intern­ship in 1980. Since 1984, nucle­ar medicine specialist and se­nior consultant for cardiac ra­diology and nucle­ar medicine under the super­vi­sion of Prof Dr R Fe­lix. Estab­lish­ment and man­age­ment of the main research project (Forschungsprojektschwerpunkt FPS) for nucle­ar cardiology. Additional train­ing in ra­diology. Partic­ipation in the hos­pital-wide on-call ser­vice for internal medicine.

1982 Habili­tation (PhD equiva­lent) in internal medicine on the top­ic of myocardial perfu­sion. In late 1984 Declination of an ap­point­ment to a pro­fessor­ship (C3) at the Uni­versity Hos­pital Essen. On 15.7.1985 ap­point­ment to as­sociate pro­fessor for internal medicine and cardiology at Freie Uni­versit�t Berlin. On 12.8.1986 ap­point­ment to full pro­fessor at Freie Uni­versit�t Berlin. Af­terwards on sev­eral short­lists for chairs in cardiology and on one short­list for a chair in nucle­ar medicine.

Due to the concept of re­locating the Hos­pital Charlottenburg to the Rudolf Virchow Uni­versity Clin­ic the cardio­logical pro­vi­sion was predom­inantly passed to the German Heart In­stitute Berlin (DHZB). The Charit�-pro­fessors were re­allocated accord­ing to their (sub)specialities. So H. E. changed to the De­part­ment of Ra­diology, since 1995 deputy di­rector. Af­ter the estab­lish­ment of a cardiac and cardiosur­gical rehabili­tation unit for the Charit�, H.E. was ap­pointed to med­ical di­rector of the Charit� center "Acute Cardiac Rehabili­tation" in Templin since 1.2.1999 (endowed chair S-C4 in­tended). The project was abandoned for financial reasons with­in the bounds of the re­cent Charit� reorga­ni­zation, and H. E. was recalled to the Med­ical De­part­ment, Divi­sion of cardiology, at the campus of Virchow-Klin­ikum of Charit� Hos­pital in Berlin, then as Deputy Exec­utive Di­rector.

Sev­eral American fel­low­ships, New York Academy of Sci­ence, vis­iting physician and pro­fessor: Los An­ge­les and New York. More that 1.000 abstracts, journal and book con­tri­butions, textbooks and ed­ucational films in German and American editions, sev­eral sci­ence awards. Ed­itor and advi­sory board member of sev­eral journals.

Member in uni­versity boards, 1993-2003 chairman of the Uni­versity Ethics Committee. Member of the Med­ical Exam­ination Committee, first chairman of the Exec­utive Committee "nucle­ar cardiology"of the German Cardiac Society, member of the Council on Clin­ical Cardiology of the American Heart As­sociation. Member of many oth­er sci­entif­ic societies. Man­aging di­rector of the Cardiac Society of Berlin-Brandenburg.

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