Focus Area

Supporting Journalism in Ukraine

From safety risks to source validation, journalists working in Ukraine amidst the war grapple with formidable challenges. Supporting them is a key cornerstone of democratic Europe.

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about n-ost

Our network in action

We are a transnational network. We promote collaborative journalism across Europe. In times of change and turmoil we forge new paths in foreign reporting. This is how.
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Face it!

Wars, climate change, power shifts: It’s the end of the world as we know it, and we need to adapt. In this transformation our journalism provides guidance and provocation - by zooming in, changing perspectives, calling things by their name.

Spotlights on blind spots

In an ever more interconnected world foreign reporting needs more, not fewer resources. Ignoring perspectives leads to ignorant decisions. Instead of crisis driven parachute journalism we provide regional expertise and local perspectives.

Connecting the dots

To grasp the complexity of our world, we need to pool our brains and resources. This is exactly what n-ost does - connecting editors with experts, free lancers with clients, photographers with authors, money with content and content with reach.

Focus East

An integrated European media sphere is our vision. We strengthen the channels of mutual awareness across a Europe that is larger than the EU. Our focus is on the East. Especially in moments when the heart of Europe beats on the streets of Kyiv or Tbilisi.

Connect with journalists and media organisations

Browse the network to connect with n-ost members, find the right people for the job – or organisations to work with.
Find experts
Andreas Herrmann

Journalist / Medienberater

Herrnhut, Germany

Irina Radu


Bukarest, Romania

Maya Janik

Journalist, SRF

Zurich, Switzerland

Stefania Prandi

Journalist, photographer, writer and producer, Freelancer. I work with several outlet all over Europe

Milano, Italy

Fatjona Mejdini

Director of SEE Observatory, Global Initiative


Luke Johnson

Freelance Journalist

Berlin, Germany

Anastasiia Melai


Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Birgit Johannsmeier

Freelance Journalist

Riga, Latvia

Clemens Schöll

Journalist, Clean Energy Wire

Berlin, Germany

Elisabeth Bauer

Freelance Journalist, HU / freelance

Berlin, Germany

Dóra Diseri

Journalist, Deutsche Welle Berlin

Berlin, Germany

Ekaterina Venkina

Journalist, Deutsche Welle

Bonn, Germany

Stefan Schocher

Freelance Journalist

Wien, Austria

Tamina Kutscher

Freelance Journalist

Berlin, Germany

Martha Wildenauer

Project Coordinator, n-ost

Hamburg, Germany

Barbara Theriault

Associate Professor of Sociology , Université de Montréal

Montreal, Canada

Fabian Schweyher

Berlin, Germany

Jacob Mardell

Editorial Coordinator, n-ost

Berlin, United Kingdom

Vika Biran

Project Manager, PM

Berlin, Germany

Paul Toetzke

Freelance Journalist

Berlin, Germany

Nikola Richter

Publisher, mikrotext Verlag

Berlin, Germany

Annette Streicher

Freelance Journalist, ZDF

Berlin, Germany

Caleb Larson

Berlin, Germany

Anke Illing

Europareportage Fotografin

Berlin, Germany

Ulla Lachauer

Historian, freelance journalist

21339 Lüneburg, Germany

Anaid Agadjanova

Culture Journalist

Kyiv, Ukraine

Anastasia Anisimova

Creative Producer, n-ost

Berlin, Germany

Paul Katzenberger

Journalist, RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland

Moscow, Russian Federation

Anna Frenyo


Berlin, Germany

Marc Bräutigam

Social Media Manager, n-ost

Berlin, Germany

Sarah-Lou Lepers

Editorial Coordinator, n-ost

Paris, France

Filip Noubel

Managing Editor, Global Voices

Prague, Czech Republic

Featured articles

Some of the recent writing that stems from current n-ost projects and members.