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    AuthorCayenne31 Mar 08, 19:41
    Dictionary: moody

    hier ist eine Auswahl an Möglichkeiten.
    #1Authordixie31 Mar 08, 19:43

    Origin of the name

    The word Moodle is actually an acronym for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment, although originally the M stood for "Martin", named after Martin Dougiamas, the original developer. [5]

    Moodle can also be considered a verb, which describes the improvisational process of doing things as it occurs to you to do them, an enjoyable tinkering that often leads to insight and creativity. As such it applies both to the way Moodle was developed, and to the way a student or teacher might approach studying or teaching an online course.

    [Ich nehme an, es geht um das Lerntool ...]
    #2Author Jalapeño (236154) 31 Mar 08, 19:46
    It is an online learning tool that contains information about courses and provides communication channels to help students communicate with each other and with their teachers.
    #3Authoranni08 Jun 09, 15:46
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