Are you new to CAcert? is a community-driven Certificate Authority that issues certificates to the public at large for free.

CAcert's goal is to promote awareness and education on computer security through the use of encryption, specifically by providing cryptographic certificates. These certificates can be used to digitally sign and encrypt email, authenticate and authorize users connecting to websites and secure data transmission over the internet. Any application that supports the Secure Socket Layer Protocol (SSL or TLS) can make use of certificates signed by CAcert, as can any application that uses X.509 certificates, e.g. for encryption or code signing and document signatures.

If you want to have free certificates issued to you, join the CAcert Community .

If you want to use certificates issued by CAcert, read the CAcert Root Distribution License .This license applies to using the CAcert root keys .

Latest News

Werner Dworak verstorben

Am 30. April ist Werner Dworak aus Ulm, ein langjähriges Mitglied von CAcert verstorben. Werner betreute während einigen Jahren den Support, nachdem er noch von Ian Grigg in diese Funktion eingeführt worden war. Ausserdem war er Mitglied des Vereins CAcert Inc, welcher die Infrastruktur betreibt. Im Verein bekleidete er von 2012 bis 2014 das Amt […]

CAcert significantly reduces power consumption

DEUTSCH weiter unten FRANÇAIS voir plus bas The operation of servers in a data centre is always associated with power consumption. And at the latest since the winter of 2022/2023 with the energy shortage in Europe, broad sections of the population have also realised that electricity consumption is associated with costs. We at CAcert have […]

Finally: Create a Client Certificate in the Browser

Since Google and Mozilla have removed the <keygen> element we use from the HTML standard and from their browsers, we have endeavoured to provide a valid replacement so that client certificates can once again be created so easily that even my grandmother could do it. Finding a solution was not easy; other CAs were also […]

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For CAcert Community Members

Have you passed the CAcert Assurer Challenge yet?

Have you read the CAcert Community Agreement yet?

For general documentation and help, please visit the CAcert Wiki Documentation site .For specific policies, see the CAcert Approved Policies page.

Do you want to help CAcert?

We are facing an uphill battle to fund this service and could do with your help?
If you can, please donate.
AU$50 per year for this button
or a one off donation for this button whatever you can afford to help

If you are located in Australia, use bank transfer instead.

CAcert bank account details:

  • Account Name: CAcert Inc
  • BSB: 032073
  • Account No.: 180264

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