
We have been providing technology consulting and programming services to enterprises, startups and small businesses since 1991. We deliver meaningful results based on professionalism, hard work, technical skill and clear communication. We deliver what you need and expect from us as a critical addition to your team.

Of course, we can help you select a development approach, platforms, languages, tools and techniques for your project. We are happy to brief you on industry best practices - but we also respect your need to solve critical business problems and recognize what trade-offs need to be made, by whom, and by when. Not hacks, but engineering tradeoffs based on experience, intuition, facts and circumstances.

In our world as in yours, results matter. Your success is our success.

For over two decades we have been building software systems for many platforms across a diverse set of industries including logistics, finance, mobile entertainment, health care, and computer games. Whether you need a mobile application, a web application, are bootstrapping your startup, building server infrastructure, or want to write a fun game, we can help.

Everybody has specialties, and we are no exception. Recent projects have featured Objective C for iOS and Mac OS X, Java for server, web apps and Android and we admit to liking Unix a lot (including Linux).

We can also train your developers through our partnership with course-ware authors, and will deliver that to you on-site or at our offices depending on your needs. We can help bootstrap projects; working with you to identify and hire permanent staff if that better fits your business model.

Please get in touch to discuss your requirements. We do our work without a lot of fanfare and spectacle and often under non-disclosure. That suits us just fine.


We are entertaining serious, bonafide offers for the ID.com domain name. Please contact Andrew Miller for more information.


Mike Hovan runs the US operations and provides consulting services. Before Intrinsic Development Mike was a NeXTSTEP developer, system engineer, and system administrator for a software engineering firm in Northern Virginia.

Chris Walters is based in the UK and has over 25 years of software development experience and enjoys working internationally.

For larger projects we can assemble a team of trusted developers and sub-contractors. Please ask us for client references and testimonials and we will be happy to give them to you.


UK Office & Registered Address

Intrinsic Development Corporation (UK) Limited
The Fir, Hardings Lane
Gillingham, Dorset

Registered in England: 4868835
Telephone: +44 (0) 207 099 3137
Fax: +44 (0) 1747 440 205
