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"We dream of traveling into space. Isn't the universe in us? We don't know the depths of our spirit. The mysterious path goes inward. Eternity with its worlds, the past and the future, is in us or nowhere."



VALUES are ours



Our life is like a hike. For me, the goals are values (according to Max Scheler "contents of feeling") and values are reasons for meaning...(from the sensually pleasant to vital, spiritual and religious values) and nothing is more important than the experience of meaning. That is why the search for meaning is the most human thing in people!

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solutions _

There is no ready-made solution for your personal issue. If they existed, you could find them in a reference book or guide! A mentor takes on several roles and tasks at the same time: He is a role model, adviser, coach, critic and sponsor.

Mentoring helps to break new ground in dealing with some deadlocked habits and ways of working.  Mentoring offers the mentee help to help himself in this "transformation and discovery process". Mentees discover new perspectives and thus experience this promotion of their personality potential.



The reasons and concerns why someone seeks a mentor are very individual and varied.

In mentoring, purely professional or private questions can be dealt with, often there are also interwoven topics that show both professional and private life.

Entrepreneurs often act as clients.

Health effects can only be perceived by a doctor.

stop talking

  • Dealing with goals, ambitions, beliefs, values

  • Recognize your own resources

  • self-esteem

  • Nonverbal communication

  • stress and burnout

  • mindfulness

  • change processes

  • confidence building

  • motivation

  • emotions

  • critical decisions

  • self reflection

  • development

  • Frequent and recurring conflicts

  • Desires, fears and their defense

  • guilt and shame

  • doubt

  • Crisis interventions  


discover - go ...



What is the goal of mentoring?

What is the difference between coaching and mentoring?


If mentoring is more of a long-term relationship and an exchange of experience and knowledge transfer between two people, coaching is more thematically defined, limited in time and strongly goal-oriented.

In general, the word mentor  (female: mentor)  describes the role of an advisor or an experienced consultant who uses his experience and knowledge to promote the development of mentees.

One goal is to support the mentee in personal or professional development. Areas addressed in mentoring relationships range from education, career and leisure to personal development, faith and spirituality .

The name goes back to a figure of  Greek mythology  :

Ein Freund des  Odysseus  namens  Mentor   war der  Erzieher  of Odysseus'  son  Telemachus .




Topic mentoring and contract

" If you want to do mentoring as a private person, you will start looking for reputable and competent coaches. One aspect of your search can be the contract. It is often already available as a template online on the coach's website. Here you can You have already learned a lot about the way a mentor/coach works and the quality standards.

LINK coaching contract

Bild copyright by Brigitte C. Hofmann
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