Who we are

Global sourcing services for R&D and procurement

Our GS-experts team supports R&D, procurement and sourcing with information on new products and materials as well on new suppliers – and this from all over the world.

We provide various services such as identification of new materials, products and suppliers.

The sourcing experts with industry expertise in different B2B markets scan new materials and innovations for different application fields. Also the identification of new suppliers for already existing materials or applications is part of our tasks.

Identifying new opportunities and leveraging new potentials with established methods is as much a part of us as thinking outside the box.

With access to various international databases and the knowledge of our experienced team we get the information that is needed. This is exactly why we are used as a partner for our customers from the mobility industry, chemical industry or even electrical engineering industry. Our international network in over 50 countries enables us to carry out global projects, which is now more than ever a prerequisite for successful work.

Our services:

  • Supplier Sourcing
  • Patent analysis
  • Purchase of products and samples
  • Identification of product data and specification

Our competencies:

We are specialists in secondary B2B market research (Desk Research) and are familiar with the essential sources and databases. It is our daily business to evaluate data and information from more than 50 international databases. For our research we use company databases, supplier databases, start-up databases, industry-specific databases, market report databases and many more.