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Abstract shapes

In contrast to the soft, biomorphic shapes in many of Krasner's earlier paintings, a number of hard-edged abstract forms can be found in this later work.

Brimming with color

The work is filled with three main colors – kelly green, carmine red, and a fuchsia pink.

Geometric forms

The geometric forms used in Krasner's ‘Primary Series’ can be seen in this work, described by the art historian Cindy Nemser as ‘expansive yet contained … stately [and] slow-moving’.

Cracks and scratches

If you get right up close to 'Palingenesis', you can start to see the cracks and scratches in the paint.

Palingenesis, Lee Krasner, 1971

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Museum spotlight

The Pinacoteca de São Paulo is a museum of the visual arts with an emphasis on Brazilian art from the 19th century until today.

See the collection