T minus 1 Tag - oder: Von Nervösität und elektrischen Elefanten

Ich war in meinem Leben nicht wenig unterwegs. Aufgeregt bin ich trotzdem. War ich immer. Je weiter, desto aufgeregter. Morgen gehts los. Das was da morgen beginnt, ist etwas komplett...

T minus 2 Tage - oder: Vorbereitungen

Ich liege wieder früh wach. Es sind noch zwei Tage. Gestern habe ich es endlich geschafft, das Schutzblech ans Rad zu montieren. Ich muss an einer Stelle heute noch mal...

T minus 3 Tage - oder: Unterhosen auf der Waage

Fahrräder - und die Teile aus denen sie bestehen - haben einen Auslegungsparameter, der sich Systemgewicht nennt. Systemgewicht heisst so viel : „Die Teile sind darauf ausgelegt, das die gesamte...

T minus 4 Tage - oder: Schutzbleche

Schutzbleche mögen vor Wasser und Schlamm schützen, sie mögen vielleicht den Rahmen vor kleinen Steinchen schützen, die vom Reifen weggeschleudert werden. Sie mögen vielleicht alle umstehenden Leute davor schützen, mit...

T minus 5 Tage - oder: In ein paar Tagen ...

Die Wiederinbetriebnahme des Workflows, um etwas in dieses Blog zu bringen, hat gleich als erstes mal wieder dazu geführt, das ich den ersten Entwurf dieses Artikels viel zu früh veröffentlicht...

Solaris 11.4 support available until at least 2037

There is an important note in footnote 7 on page 40 of the “Oracle and Sun System Software and Operating Systems - Oracle Lifetime Support Policy”: “As a result, Support...


It’s well before 06:00 AM. I’m sitting on my indoor bike. Somewhat motivated by the last visit to my scale a day before. Thinking that a longer distance ride may...

Beware of assumed simplicity

I’m currently sitting at my desk looking to an heap of cables. Display cables. You don’t think too much about display cables. At least i did not think too much...

Probably just an overengineered small keyboard

(This is a test blog entry (based on a text I started a while ago) for the new Jekyll workflow) Sometimes you see a device which results in a “Must-have”...


Peter Gabriel hat dieses Jahr wieder ein Album herausgebracht. Ich hatte eigentlich schon die Hoffnung verloren, das “I/O” je herauskommen würde. Denn Herr Gabriel verriet schon kurz nach dem letzten...

A few days ago ... 50001 km

A few days ago. This is the number of kilometers i ran or cycled since 2019. I tried to exactly hit 50000 … didn’t work. Hope that i will reach...

From cycling to computer systems performance – Part 1

This is my first longer blog entry after getting back to a more frequent blogging schedule. It will be a two part blog entry. It may start with cycling, however...

Problems of a vegan

I’m vegan for a while. I’m not a health vegan, because it’s perfectly possible to eat totally unhealthy as a vegan. I’m the living proof. I’m not really doing it...

Thoughts about PoE security cameras (and outdoor ethernet cables in general)

I’m currently trying to buy a security camera, because i have the suspicion that people are using my property as a shortcut. I had just one thought: There are a...

Koblenz ... again ???

I’m back from Koblenz. My brother asked me to help to fetch something from this town and as was on a weekend and i’m on vacation the obvious answer was...

Changing Unifi inform URL via SSH

My house has four Ubiquti Unifi AP-AC-LR access points. Out of whatever reason, the construction of the house seems to attenuate WIFI signals significantly from one floor to the other,...

Cable management

Today i was quite occupied by a search mission: As absence of a proof is not the proof of absence, I was searching for things and I had no proof...


I’m currently working on a longer blog entry about measuring systems performance, but this will take some additional days. Meanwhile i would like to point you to a really great...

Strangest things

I have seen and experienced a lot of things when driving on the Autobahn through Germany. I have seen quite a few crashes, smaller and larger ones. To this day...

Suspiciously new

I wrote this morning that my house has currently no VDSL internet, just cable internet. I’m just back from the street in front of my home. Roughly 50m away there...